
“Miss Bossy”

“Miss Bossy” is our affectionate nickname for the one who heads up our retreats.  She may not make the final decisions–those are left up to our pastor’s wife (who is also the head of our women’s ministry); however, she has the gift of administration and is in charge of planning the retreat.   She sets up the timeline (or retreat planning calendar) and flow chart, and may be the one who makes assignments of who does what.  She is the one who instructs the leaders and servants as they come together to serve the Lord in putting together a retreat.  We need those who will lead!

If the Lord has put you in a leadership position for your event — you must lead!  Clearly communicate your vision, but don’t lord over your team.  Most helpers will appreciate clear direction; but some may take off in their own direction.  Be kind and humble and ready to lovingly correct.  Be in prayer because the enemy would love for your helpers to get offended with you.  Pray for the gifts you will need to accomplish the task of being “the boss.”

Posted in: Developing Leadership, Realities of Ministry

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