

Today, we would like to introduce you to some of our verse-by-verse and in-depth studies. We love studying the Bible verse-by-verse! We have 12 in-depth studies available. 

  • Our experience over the years is that women do not normally like to join in the middle of the study. Because of that, we have only limited studies that last the entire Sept-May school year. Those are verse-by-verse studies:
  • The ACTS of the Apostles
  • The Gospel of John; and 
  • Isaiah:God’s Prophecy, Promises and Unfailing Hope.  
  • We have also written verse-by-verse studies on some shorter books of the Bible. These are short enough to complete in one semester (fall or winter/spring). Those books are:
  • Haggai:Consider Your Ways; and 
  • Habakkuk: The Comfort of God’s Sovereignty.
  • We have several verse-by-verse studies which focus on just a chapter or shorter section of the Bible. These are short enough to complete in one semester (fall or winter/spring). These are: 
  • Psalm 91: Safe in God’s Protective Custody
  • Psalm 119: Seeking Him with our Whole Heart
  • The Glorious Truths of Romans 8;
  • Lessons on Prayer from the Heart of Jesus (the Lord’s Prayer); and 
  • God’s Hall of Faith (Hebrews 11).
  • Finally, we two topical studies that are short enough to complete in one semester (fall or winter/spring). These are:
  • A Few Good Men (a study of the eight good kings of Judah, from II Kings and II Chronicles); and 
  • The Holy Spirit: An 8-Week Study of His Person, His Promise and His Power.

If you are like us, we are always planning for our next women’s study. Check out our offerings at

Posted in: Retreat and Event Planning

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