Click the title for each skit to download it.

Four skits following an Olympic hopeful in her quest for the gold medal. Based on Philippians 3:14, the skits touch on the Coach, training and sacrifice, trials and finishing strong.

StormProofers, Unlimited
Severe weather is threatened, and a saleslady from StormProofers, Unlimited reaches out a person who faces three storms (relational, financial, trials and tribulations). She offers them advice and products to give them a godly perspective in the storm, as well as protect them from experiencing permanent damage from the storm.

Three women are competing for the title of “Miss Sportz World.” Each will have their own path to follow, given appropriate shoes for the journey, and other supplies. However, each will encounter challenges along the way, made more difficult by encounters with an enemy. Who will make it to the finish line, and complete their challenges?

This is a series of four skits looking at our salvation from a legal standpoint. We have a righteous Judge, we have an accuser (the prosecutor), the charges against us are that we have sinned, and there is plenty of evidence to convict. We deserve the death penalty. However, because of Jesus, we have been granted a full pardon and freedom–if we choose to accept it!

Sybil takes a continuing education course entitled “Trusting 101.” As the class looks at case studies on trusting, Sybil’s mind, will, emotions and spirit contribute to her thinking process. Sybil learns that she needs to acknowledge God in all her ways (mind, will, emotions and spirit) as she makes decisions in life.

Kelly has made a big change in her life–one which requires that she get rid of things she has been hanging on to in order to make room for the new.

Goldilocks & the 3 Prayers
What kind of prayers do you pray?

Salesman tries to convince two homeowners of their need for the “Heart Crud Buster 3000.”

A dialogue between a lighthouse and an ocean buoy about the causes of a shipwreck.

Jesus used garden analogies to illustrate truths about God, the Word and the believer. He compares man’s heart to soil where the seed of God’s Word is sown. The sower hopes for fruitfulness from His garden. These skits highlight the truths we learn from the comparisons between gardening and our spiritual lives.

Just as we choose the shoes we put on every day, we also make choices that will affect our walk with the Lord. We can choose worldly comfort and pleasure, or we can make the daily choices to walk in the light, in obedience and love, standing firm, strengthened by God’s promises, running our race in the power of the Spirit. These skits highlight these choices using the illustration of choosing the right shoes.

Busyness and Laziness
Busy Brenda is very busy, but finds excuses to be lazy. But there is no time for what is most important.

Worldly Wendy discovers that enslavement to debt is a consequence of worldliness.

Neglectful Nelly fully intends to have her quiet time, but she has to keep putting it off.

It may be “raining” in our lives, circumstances may be difficult, but we can choose to rejoice in the Lord.

Five runners in the “Life in the Spirit Marathon” face challenges and obstacles in their race. They come to realize the necessity of stopping in at the secret places of prayer along the course.

“Heart Transplant” is a two-act serial skit. Roxy Rhinestone has gone to see a heart specialist because of the symptoms she is experiencing. After tests, it is determined that her heart is black with sin and as hard as stone. She needs a transplant!

DeDe feels lonely, unlovely and unloved. She is listening to the lies of the enemy, and decides to pursue self-improvement by finding out what the Worldly Makeover Mall has to offer. Will the world have the answers she needs, or does she need to find out how God can meet her needs?

This three-part serial skit follows a group of people who consider taking a guided trip down the River of Life. The ones who choose the guided trip face challenges along the way, and even rescue a few of the others who chose to go their own way

This is a series of four short skits, with unrelated characters. Themes of the skits all relate to gifts–gifts we want, gifts we don’t want, gifts we give and gifts we receive. .

Mail-Order Bride — Journey to True Love
In “Mail-Order Bride,” we follow a mail-order bride on her journey to meet her true love. Like a believer who is waiting to meet her heavenly Groom, she has letters and promises from her beloved, yet she faces the temptation of other suitors as well as the challenges of an enemy and the inevitable trials, doubts and fears.

The “Miss Overflowing Teacup” Pageant
In this one-act skit, seven contestants (teacups) vie for the title of “Miss Overflowing Teacup, to be chosen by the Everlasting Teapot. Each contestant has the opportunity to describe herself, and then she must tip over to pour out the contents of her cup. The pageant winner will be filled with Living Water.

This four-act serial skit uses various game shows to provide settings for the main character to progress in her spiritual journey. The skit shows how God uses even those difficult experiences in our lives for our good and the good of others.

This series of three skits stars. “Felicity Forgetful” and “Rhonda Reminder.” Felicity is listening to the lies of the world. She has forgotten the Lord and His promises!

This four-act serial skit follows five greenhouse-grown saplings, transplanted by the water, through seasons of growth. They face trials and temptations, but learn wisdom from a nearby mature and fruitful tree.

Tidings of Stress and Fear (A Christmas Skit)
Jesus’ birth brought “tidings of comfort and joy.” But without Him, the world only offers tidings of stress and fear.

Christian women can be deceived by worldly ideals. Based on verses from Nehemiah, we see that Nehemiah found his strength in the “joy of the Lord,” which enabled him to do God’s work while guarding against enemy attacks.

We follow a patient from doctor to doctor, seeking a diagnosis for her problems. The diagnosis is that she has been walking in the dark, and not in the light! We need to be walking in the light of Jesus and His Word.

A series of four skits addressing four of the “giants” (sins and attitudes) that quench the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. These were written to accompany a light-weight Bible study we wrote of the same name that can be ordered from Calvary Chapel Plano. Contact [email protected].

There are five skits in this skit series set in “Judge Judy’s” traffic court. Each plaintiff is appearing in court because she has ignored a traffic sign. We used this skit series in conjunction with the skit series “Bubba and Junior on the Road to Eternal Life,” skits which also revolve around traffic signs

Bubba and Junior on the Road to Eternal Life
Two country bumpkins are traveling on the Road to Eternal Life. There are five short skits in this series. Each skit’s theme is related to a road sign encountered on the Road to Eternal Life. We used this skit series in conjunction with the “Traffic Court” skit series, skits which also revolve around traffic signs.

Skit Series Fear or Faith Factor
Dr. Nerdof approaches unsuspecting individuals to participate in her research in human fear factors. Using virtual reality headsets, the participants experience virtually various fearful situations such as a bad storm, an alien invasion, a battlefield situation, and a flood, and their fear responses are analyzed.