
You CAN Do a Skit!

Do these comments sound familiar?

  • We don’t have an appropriate script.
  • Even if we had a skit, what would we do about copyright laws?
  • None of our ladies have an acting background.
  • We don’t have time for numerous rehearsals–we all have small children at home and busy lives.
  • We don’t have money to put into a production.
  • What would we do about sound and lighting?

These are just excuses! While it would be nice to have those with professional background or acting experience, that is not required for a skit to be produced and have value for your retreat.  And while you want to do your best in serving the Lord in whatever your hand finds to do, producing a skit at a retreat need not be a time-consuming or expensive project. However, it is admittedly difficult to find an appropriate skit, particularly if you want one which has spiritual application related to your theme.  If you do find one, you may be limited by copyright restrictions.

In fact, one reason our Retreat-in-a-Bag series was created was to make skits available and workable for the small church.  In each themed book of the series, we provide a skit which can legally be copied for use in your women’s ministry.  The skits are written specifically for novice skit producers, with simple instructions for props and production. If your actresses follow the script, you can improvise in all other areas.  Women have good imaginations, and the barest of props (and costumes) can do the trick.

Posted in: Skits

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