
Using Photos

clingingtocross For our themed women’s events, we commonly surf the web for an appropriate graphic.  We sometimes forget that personal photos can be the themed graphic for a women’s retreat or event.

Sandy, from New York, recently shared this precious photo with me.  Their women’s ministry used it as the main graphic for their women’s retreat.  It was taken by one of their women during a visit to Scotland.  The quality was good for copying purposes, and because it was a personal photo given for their use, there was no copyright/license consideration.  And what a perfect image for their theme “Clinging to Jesus!”

In our experience, many photos online require either a membership or a fee.  At the very least, attribution (photo credit) is required.  Sometimes there are restrictions in the use of the photo.  Obviously, the perfect photo is worth the hassle.  But this is just another option for you to consider.  I would love to hear how you have found that perfect graphic for your event!

By the way, Retreat-in-a-Bag has been given permission to offer this photo as a free download to our readers.  Go to “Downloadable Graphics” in our “Resources” section (

Posted in: News & Information, Retreat and Event Planning

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