
Skit Questions: What if…..?

We are a small church.  What if I don’t have seasoned performers in my group of women?

I admit–it is nice to have at least one or two “actresses” who are experienced performers. If I have them, those are the one who can best handle the bigger parts. But, as in any ministry, willingness trumps ability. If you have women who are willing to get in front of the group, use them!

I would also warn against being too much of a perfectionist. Remember that sometimes the mistakes add to the fun! Don’t expect your performers to memorize their part. Yes, they need to be very familiar with what they are supposed to say, but don’t make participating in the skit another burden. We find ways for women to take the script with them on stage, as unobtrusively as possible. Women are so busy, and it seems that even making the time to get away to a retreat is stressful in itself. Don’t overload them with numerous practice sessions. We usually schedule a read-through, and then a practice with props.  A practice or two is definitely needed if there are props to be manipulated.

What if we don’t have funds for props or costumes?

Guess what?  While props and costumes definitely add to the production, for the most part they are optional.  Women have amazing imaginations.  However, most of the time, there will be someone who has an idea for a low cost prop, or something that someone can bring from home and repurpose. It doesn’t have to be elaborate.  Our last skit required that we have a bridge (made by turning a table upside down), a river (made with yards of blue cloth), and a cliff (small step stool disguised with boulders made of crumpled paper, painted to look like a rock).  Alone, these props may not have looked like much, but in the context of the skit, they served their purpose and made perfect sense to our audience!

Posted in: Lessons Learned, Skits

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  1. Rosalind April 7, 2022


  2. Debby September 11, 2022

    I’m sorry for the late reply! If I found a good skit that fit our theme, I wouldn’t hesitate to use it. But there aren’t many that I have found out on the web that 1) are free to use and 2) actually have content that is not just entertainment.

  3. Margaret October 24, 2022

    How do I download your free skits?

  4. Debby January 19, 2023

    I’m sorry I just got this message. You should be able to just click on the picture, and the skit script will appear.

  5. Rebecca Woodall March 13, 2023

    Please delete my last comment! I thought I was writing to you and not leaving a comment! I fugured out how to download the skit I needed!
    If I left a comment, it would be that your skits are fantastic, and we have enjoyed using them over the years at our ladies’ retreats! Thank you!

  6. Debby March 15, 2023

    Rebecca, So great to hear from you! We loved the Stormproofers skit! Hope you and your family are well!

  7. jenn baker September 23, 2023

    Hi there! One of my daughters is using one of the skits for a speech competition – the teacups one – can you tell me who the author is? we need to give credit to the person or persons who actually wrote it so they will accept it as a written piece.
    Please help me!
    Thank you so so much!
    Jenn Baker<

  8. Debby December 4, 2023

    Wow! I’m so sorry! Your comment didn’t come through to me! I wrote the skit, so no worries. If you gave Retreat-in-a-Bag, that is fine! Debby Summers Hope the competition went well!

  9. Linda June 7, 2024

    Just wanted to make sure that our ladies group could use the One Day in Court for our Salad Supper. Did not want to do something illegal.

  10. Debby June 27, 2024

    Linda, I am so sorry I didn’t receive this comment. Of course, everything downloadable on the website is free for you to use. We do have some premium resources, but it is clear on the website what those are. I hope you went ahead and used the skit!

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